We kicked off the Spring 2025 semester with fresh strawberries and delicious sandwiches. Let’s keep the momentum going strong! Taeksang, Taehyeong, Tsabita, Changsub, and Seungug in the photo.
February 2025
∙ Welcome aboard, Seungug! Congratulations to Changsub and Seungug on earning their bachelor’s degrees!
∙ We invited Prof. Jaesang Hyun from Yonsei University for a talk and to discuss potential collaboration in virtual surgery.
∙ We had a small workshop with Prof. Hansoul Kim’s lab, where we exchanged ideas on each lab’s research and explored potential collaboration.
December 2024
We had a nice lunch outside and enjoyed an escape room game, which gave our brains a good workout! We also took time to wrap up the semester and present our plans for the winter break. Changsub, Tsabita, Taeksang, and Taehyeong in the right photo.
November 2024
We participated in the 2024 KSME Conference in Jeju, where Taeksang gave an invited talk and Rahel presented a poster. Taehyeong, Tsabita, Taeksang, Rahel, and Changsub in the left photo.
October 2024
∙ Taeksang delivered an invited talk at the 19th CAOS-KOREA Autumn Conference held in Seoul.
August 2024
∙ Welcome aboard, Taehyeong!
∙ Changsub attended the Summer school at KTH in Stockholm, focusing on Computational Tissue Biomechanics, from data acquisition to FEM modeling. He met many leading experts in the field and learned both theoretical and experimental approaches to understanding the mechanical behavior of soft tissues.
∙ We attended the 2024 Korean Society of Biomechanics conference at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, where Taeksang gave a talk, and both Rahel and Taehyeong presented posters. We were honored to receive the Best Paper Presentation Award, well done everyone! To celebrate Tsabita and Taehyeong joining our team, we also enjoyed Halal food together. Welcome once again! Tsabita, Taehyeong, Changsub, and Taeksang in the middle photo.
July 2024
∙ Welcome aboard, Tsabita!
∙ Taeksang attended the CMBBE 2024 symposium in Vancouver, where he gave a talk on a methodology for measuring the anisotropic properties of skin using Bayesian inference.
June 2024
Warm welcome to Changsub joining our lab!
May 2024
What a big family! We attended the 2024 Spring conference of the KSME CAE and Applied Mechanics Division held in Jeju. It was so happy to meet Taeksang’s previous advisor, Professor Moon Ki Kim, engage in a group conversation, and take an early morning walk to 섭지코지.
April 2024
We attended the 2024 Spring conference of the KSME Bioengineering Division held in Yeosu and presented a poster on image-based finite element model for skin. We also enjoyed the beautiful nighttime sea scenery in Yeosu.
December 2023
∙ We attended 2023 joint conference of the Korean Society of Biomechanics & Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics held at Jeonbuk National University in Jeonju. Gwanwoong, Rahel, Junseo, Jisoo, and Taeksang in the left photo
∙ Taeksang gave an invited talk at the Korea Multi-Scale Mechanics Society (KMSM) 2023 Symposium held in Yeosu.
November 2023
Taeksang participated in the 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP-Biomech 2023) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he delivered a presentation and was honored with the prestigious Yamaguchi Medal in the field of Tissue Biomechanics. This recognition was a great honor for Taeksang.
October 2023
Looks good guys! Enjoying delicious churros and the pleasant Fall sunshine at Myongji. Rahel, Junseo, Jisoo, and Gwanwoong in the left photo
September 2023
July 2023
We welcome Rahel as a new member of our group.
Taeksang and Gyohyeon participated in USNCCM17, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The experience went beyond a typical conference as it provided an opportunity to meet valuable people, including Taeksang’s previous advisor, Adrian, again after about 3 years due to COVID-19. Engaging in insightful discussions, listening to interesting talks, and experiencing the desert surroundings made the event truly enjoyable.
May 2023
이준서, 백관웅 학생이 우리 연구실에 학부 연구생으로 참여합니다. 환영해요~ ∙ We welcome undergraduate research assistants Junseo and Gwanwoong!
이택상 교수가 연세대학교 기계공학부 BK21 세미나에서 초청 강연을 했습니다. ∙ Taeksang gave an invited talk to the BK21 seminar at School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University.
우리 연구실이 한국정밀공학회 2023 춘계학술대회와 대한기계학회 CAE 및 응용역학부문 2023년 춘계학술대회에서 구두 및 포스터 발표를 하고 강연도 들으며 열심히 공부하고 왔습니다. ∙ We attended both 2023 Spring conferences of the KSPE and KSME held in Jeju Island and Busan, respectively. Taeksang gave a talk on methodology to measure anisotropic properties of skin using Bayesian inference. Gyohyeon presented a poster on uncertainty analysis over hyper-viscoelastic parameters of skin in virtual surgery simulation. We also met many people, had lots of fun talking together, and enjoyed yummy food!
April 2023
이지수 학생이 우리 연구실에 학부 연구생으로 참여합니다. 환영합니다~ ∙ Jisoo Lee joined the PMCB Lab as an undergraduate research assistant!
이택상 교수가 홍익대학교 기계∙시스템디자인공학과 대학원 세미나에서 초청 강연을 했습니다. ∙ Taeksang gave an invited talk at Department of Mechanical & System Design Engineering, Hongik University.
March 2023
Kick off the spring 2023 semester! Gyohyeon, Taeksang, Giseok, Uijeong, and Sangyeop in the left photo.
December 2022
심기석 학생이 예측 모델링 및 전산생체역학 연구실에 학부 연구생으로 참여했습니다. 환영합니다! The PMCB lab is happy to welcome Giseok to our group.
November 2022
2022년 대한생체역학회 & 한국운동역학회 공동학술대회에서 송교현 학생이 ‘베이지안 추론을 활용한 피부의 기계적 물성치 및 비등방성 예측’에 대한 주제로 우수 논문상을 받았습니다. 축하합니다! Gyohyeon received the best paper award on ‘Prediction of Mechanical Properties and Anisotropy of Skin through Bayesian Inference’ at 2022 joint conference of the Korean Society of Biomechanics & Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics held at Konkuk University Glocal campus in Chungju. Many congratulations to Gyohyeon!
October 2022
이택상 교수가 성균관대학교 기계공학과 대학원 멀티스케일해석 과목에서 유한요소해석 응용 연구에 대한 특강을 했습니다. ∙ Taeksang gave a special lecture on finite element analysis in Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University.
한국정밀공학회 2022년 추계학술대회에서 이택상 교수와 송교현 학생이 구두 및 포스터 발표를 했습니다. ∙ Taeksang and Gyohyeon presented a couple of topics studied in our lab at 2022 Fall conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering held in Daegu.
July 2022
이택상 교수가 한국연구재단 우수신진연구 최초혁신실험실 지원 사업에 선정되어 연구 장비비를 추가로 지원받게 되었습니다. Taeksang has received additional research funding from the NRF to purchase the Cutometer, which is a suction device and enables us to characterize mechanical properties of skin in vivo.
May 2022
이택상 교수가 모교인 성균관대학교 기계공학과에서 첨단기술세미나 초청 강연을 했습니다. ∙ Taeksang gave an invited talk at his alma mater Sungkyunkwan University, School of Mechanical Engineering.
이택상 교수가 대한의용생체공학회 2022년도 온라인 춘계학술대회에서 초청 강연을 했습니다. ∙ Taeksang gave an invited talk at the 2022Virtual Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering.
한국정밀공학회 2022년 춘계학술대회에서 이택상 교수가 젊은공학자 초청 발표를 하고, 송교현, 안재희 학생은 포스터 발표를 했습니다. ∙ Our lab attended 2022 Spring conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering held in Jeju Island. Taeksang gave an invited talk on computational modeling and uncertainty analysis of skin mechanics, and Gyohyeon and Jaehee presented a poster on virtual surgery simulation including viscoelastic effect of skin.
March 2022
이택상 교수가 한국연구재단 우수신진연구 지원 사업에 선정되어 3년동안 총 4.5억원의 연구비를 지원받게 되었습니다. Taeksang has been awarded a 3-year grant by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) to develop a computational growth model enabling to characterize residual stresses in growing soft tissues – our lab’s first grant funded by the Korea government!
January 2022
안재희 학생이 예측모델링 및 전산생체역학 연구실에 학부 연구생으로 참여합니다. 환영합니다! We welcome undergraduate research assistant Jaehee An.
December 2021
이택상 교수가 2021 한국생체역학회 학술대회에서 신진과학자 초청강연을 가졌습니다. ∙ Taeksang gave an invited talk at the 2021 annual conference of the Korean Society of Biomechanics.
연구실 첫 점심 식사를 함께 했습니다. ∙ The first group lunch!
November 2021
송교현 학생과 정예지 학생이 예측모델링 및 전산생체역학 연구실에 학부 연구생으로 참여했습니다. 환영합니다! ∙ Gyohyeon Song and Yeji Jeong joined the Predictive Modeling and Computational Biomechanics Lab as undergraduate research assistants.
이택상 교수가 명지대학교 산학협력단 신임교원 연구기반 구축 지원사업에 선정되어 연구 장비비를 지원받게 되었습니다. ∙ Taeksang has received research funding from Myongji University Industry and Academia Cooperation Foundation to purchase a 3D scanner.
October 2021
이택상 교수가 명지대학교 신임교원 연구비 지원사업에 선정되어 연구비를 지원받게 되었습니다. Taeksang has received research funding from Myongji University.
September 2021
이택상 박사가 명지대학교 기계공학과 조교수에 임용되었습니다. Dr. Taeksang Lee has joined Myongji University as an Assistant Professor.